Monday, July 13, 2009

Welcome to my Site :3

Well basically this is a blog for ANYTHING Spock related, a branch off my facebook group which is just limited when it comes to posting things, here is the link if you are interesting in joining!!. I'm a newbie trekkie, and I instantly fell in love with the character Spock. I then began to research the man behind the ears, Leonard Nimoy and today he is my number one idol. I have collected all of his poetry books, photography books, and am following him on twitter (MR. NIMOY UPDATE YOUR TWITTER IF YOU READ THIS!!! *which he probably never will*). After reading his autobiography "I AM SPOCK" I began to really appreciate acting in general and the talent and dedication it takes to really become one with a character, which can a lot of times be a bane to the actor. Check out his website here.