Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spock's Butt

Spock's butt. The point of excitement for me in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. We all know that this is the perfect fan service for all the Spock fan girls! You also get to see a little bit of his package. Now I know I'm a sicko so you don't need to tell me. In this scene of the movie, Spock jumps into the whale tank and does a mind-meld with Gracie to tell her of their plans to transport her out of the tank and take the whales to the future. We also get a nice view of Spock's man panties (or "Spockies" which my sister likes to call them). Other than that, the movie was very enjoyable and probably the best out of the Star Trek movies! My question is, was this fan service scene intentional? We all know that Leonard Nimoy (the director of ST:TVH)was well aware of the impact that Spock made on the women. Or the bigger question: Is this really Spock's (Nimoy's) butt or a stunt double??!!! We will probably never know. Anyways, please enjoy the screen captures of Spock's butt.

Click on Spock to make him larger!

and my other favorite scene...