Thursday, September 10, 2009

Getting the Spock brows :3

I've been checking my statcounter and have seen that many of my blog viewers are searching for ways to do a Spock costume. Well here is your solution! First we will start with the eyebrows. I found the eyebrows to be a HUGE pain in the butt. I have dark eyebrows so it was really difficult to hide them. If you have light eyebrows, I suggest you use this easy tutorial on "soaping" your eyebrows. It can be found here.

So what did I do for my eyebrows? Well I shaved a 1/4 of my eyebrows off. DO NOT SHAVE YOUR ENTIRE EYEBROW!!!! First of all, it is easy to just draw on the last patch of your eyebrow and still looks kinda real. Since the end part of your eyebrow is gone, you can just use a black colored pencil and draw the curvy Spock eyebrows.

Here are some pictures to use as guides:

shaved off the corners of my eyebrows

<---drew on the rest with a sharpened black eye liner pencil I kind of did a quick sloppy job, but you get the idea. mmmm smexy.